Online National Prayer Gathering
& Leaders Prayer Intensive
Join together with hundreds of others as we meet online to pray for our nation!
All the details including zoom links can be found here:

Prayer Calendar
Explore the Scottish Baptist prayer calendar, where you can find weekly updated prayer requests from churches and chaplains around the country!
You will also find links to the facebook page where we share videos and posts from across the network, and a downloadable Annual prayer calendar.

Increase Regional Gatherings
What could it be like if we gathered together to encounter God in worship, to seek his face in prayer, to hear his word and listen to his voice more often across the Nation?
Our vision has been to create opportunities to gather people from a group of churches in a town/city/region to pray together for Increase. In 2023 we gathered and prayed all over the country and we are excited to see what God has in store for our family of churches in 2024!
All the details on regional gatherings can be found here: