Welcome to our Legal Area
We hope that the resources and information provided here will be helpful to church trustees and others with administrative and compliance responsibilities in our Scottish Baptist churches

Information on restructuring your church as a SCIO (Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation)

Register of Persons Holding Controlled Interests in Land
What does it mean for your church?

Charities (Regulation and Administration) Scotland Act 2023
What changes does this make and when might these come into force?

Guidance for Church Trustees
Incl. who is a trustee and where you have to publicise
the name and number of your church charity

Alan Holloway
BUS Solicitor
If you have any questions about any of these matters, please feel free to contact:
Alan has also provided us with the following note:
“While I would hope that churches and their trustees will find this Legal Area of the BUS website to be helpful and informative, nothing said here should be regarded as legal advice to any individual church.
Churches and their trustees should always take specific legal advice appropriate to their particular context where required.
I provide legal services through my company Diakoneo Legal Services Limited (“DLS”), which acts exclusively for churches and related charities. No charge will be made for any initial phone call, email exchange or brief Zoom consultation.Thereafter, the church can make its own choice as to whether to engage DLS on the usual professional basis.
For more information on the SCIO restructuring, property conveyancing, RoCI and other services DLS offers to churches, please visit the website: https://www.diakoneolegal.com/.
Other solicitors are of course available!