The Baptist Union of Scotland is a network of over 150 churches across the length and breadth of Scotland. We are local churches who recognise that if we are to fulfil the commission Jesus has given his disciples, it is better to work together than continue alone.
We are a relational network who support one another through prayer and encouragement. We share resources and experience in mission. We equip and accredit leaders. We work together to develop vision and ensure legal compliance.
Find out about our wide range of events throughout the year, we’d love to see you there…
We are called to be a network of prayer, for one another and the nation of Scotland…
We offer a range of opportunities across the year including courses, seminars…
Explore our range of resources including podcasts, publications and more…
BUS Autumn Gathering
We will be meeting together for a significant new gathering, including:
National Prayer Gathering;
A Day for Delegates
BUS Annual General Meeting
You can find all the details here on our events page, including the vision and purpose behind this very intentional space
2024 Church Planting Course
Have you been wondering what all this talk about church planting is? Has God stirred you about church planting, but you don’t know what the next steps should be? Is your church looking to Increase through church planting?
Well, the good news is we have a course for you, in partnership with Forge Scotland. Join us and explore your call…
Click here to find out all about it, we’d love you to get involved!
Check out this fresh new series of podcasts hosted by Glenn Innes and Lisa Holmes!
Explore what Healthy Leadership looks like, with an inspiring and experienced range of guests and some fascinating conversations!
CMD Programme 2024
BUS offer a variety of training workshops across the year and you can find all the information on retreats, courses, development opportunities and how to book on our CMD page.
You can explore our new 2024 programme now!
Our vision is to see Increase in all our churches around the country, through three strategic priorities:
defining ourselves as a prayer network
Planting Churches
investing in new congregations, revitalisations and innovative new churches
Developing Pathways
for training and equipping church planters and evangelistic leaders