We were delighted that over 450 of you, from 60 different Scottish Baptist churches,  joined together on Saturday 1st June, for Canopy 2024! It was an amazing opportunity to learn, worship and pray together, to welcome God’s presence and listen for all He has in store for us. Our focus this year was on

Everyday Discipleship, inspired by Romans 12: 1-2

“Take your everyday, ordinary life – your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life – and place it before God as an offering” (The Message)


1 June 2024, Larbert High School

With a full programme that included teaching from Hannah and Thomas; interviews with Kang-San Tan (BMS) and Ken Benjamin (LICC), stories of Increase from local churches, plus worship with Erin and Sam Hibbard and band we explored what every day discipleship really means for us, now. Our kids, youth and under5’s had creative, joy-filled spaces as they learned more about Jesus, and we unpacked a wealth of topics in the afternoon seminars, which you will find all the details of below.


Canopy 2024 musical worship doesn’t stop at the exit…

You can now continue enjoying the praise, worship, and dance at home  with all the songs from the day, here in the Canopy 2024 playlist!

Huge thanks to the worship and tech teams for sharing their time, talents and gifts on the day, and for compiling this excellent YouTube playlist!

Click on the video or this link here to access Canopy 2024 Playlist!


Creating Space for Intergenerational and Intercultural Discipleship in Local Churches

Mark’s gospel traces discipleship journey from Jerusalem to Galilee. What is Mark’s definition of discipleship and what lessons can we draw from Mark’s narratives on discipleship failures and successes?

The interactive seminar seeks to reimagine discipleship conversations and stories whereby churches create spaces for younger generations, migrants and new converts as co-participants towards nurturing healthy mission communities. Some practical applications on inter-religious engagements and discipleship in local as well as global contexts will be explored.

With Kang-San Tan, Director of BMS, and Loun Ling Lee, Editor at Lausanne Global Analysis.

Vital Signs of a whole-life disciple-making church

We know disciple-making in churches is important – vital, even. But how do we move from good intentions to best practice?  

Launching LICC’s brand new resource – ‘Vital Signs’ – Ken will offer 20 ways to put whole-life discipleship at the heart of our churches; Together, they’ll help you grow a culture that equips people to live out their faith in every part of life – not just through church activities.  

 20 Vital Signs might sound exhausting, but the key is not to add to our stretched to-do lists. Instead, the aim is to permeate what we already do with new, refreshing perspectives.

Becoming Who We Are

An interactive experience reminding us who we are and what we are made for.

In this seminar we will explore together and with God how we become people who live the truth that we are loved first, before we even do a thing. All of our spiritual growth and service flows from this identity as “the one whom Jesus loves.” How would owning this truth change the way that you operate in the world?


How to Talk About Jesus without looking like an idiot!

Many Christians are nervous to talk about their faith at work, university, or among their friends for fear of what might happen.

In this very practical talk, Andy will explore this nervousness we have about evangelism, teach some very practical tools for conversational evangelism, and share real world stories of Christians sharing their faith at work.

Parenting for Faith

Rachel Turner is the founder of Parenting for Faith and has worked in churches for over 15 years as a Family Life Pastor, Children’s Pastor, and a Youth Pastor. She continues to consult, speak at conferences and run training days for church leaders, parents and families around the world. Rachel is the author of nine books, and the Parenting for Faith course.

Rachel will be exploring how we can nourish, teach, model and lead our young people for every day discipleship, as they grow up in an increasingly secular world.

Faith on the Field!

It is so easy to see sport as something separate to faith in Jesus. When I’m at training or on race day I put on my sport cap, and outwith that I wear my Christian cap. However, sport is not only compatible with faith, but the two can be mutually beneficial when done for the glory of God.

If you are an adult or young person involved in regular, competitive sport, or are the parent or carer of someone who is, come and join this workshop as we look at what the bible has to say about our sport and think through the opportunities being involved in sport gives us to witness for Christ. 


Hannah Montgomery

Hannah and her husband Tom co-lead Lighthouse Church in East Lothian. Passionate about growing disciples who make a tangible difference in the local community, Hannah loves equipping and encouraging people.

‘We believe that we best learn to follow Jesus together, in relationship with other people. Our vision is for multiple communities of disciples across East Lothian. In communities we eat together, pray together, read the bible together, and find accountability for sharing Jesus and making a difference.

She loves her two primary-aged kids, sea swimming, cooking up a roast and sticking her nose in a good book.


We are delighted that Hannah and Thomas will be our keynote speakers at Canopy 2024! Between them they bring a deep love of Jesus and a wealth of experience, knowledge and wisdom gained through their years of involvement in church leadership and serving.

Both Thomas and Hannah have a real passion for everyday discipleship, and will be sharing from their experience of leading and serving as disciples in their local ministries.

We can’t wait to learn with them and see what God is wanting to speak to us at Canopy Summer 2024!

Thomas Dean

Thomas is married to Claudia and they have a two year old Elijah and a bump that will have hatched by Canopy ’24.

They’ve been leading Stenhouse Baptist together since 2016 and really love it.

‘At Stenhouse we believe that church is about much more than just a Sunday service.

We’re involved in the local schools and the prison amongst other things. We believe that God’s love doesn’t just belong in the church building and we’re looking to make friends with everyone & anyone in Stenhouse.’

Thomas also loves being a volunteer prison chaplain and eats most things. 

Kang-San Tan

Kang-San Tan is General Director of BMS World Mission 

We were delighted to have him join us for BUS Council this year and look forward to learning from him further. He is Chair of Global Baptist Mission Network of the Baptist World Alliance (2020-2025).

Kang-San speak at mission conferences and church events regularly in five continents. Previously, he has also served as Head of Mission Studies at Redcliffe College and Director for Mission Research for OMF.

He completed his doctoral studies in Missiology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA. He also holds a PhD in Theology of Religions from Aberdeen University.

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Jenny Walley

As a spiritual director, Jenny helps people create space to encounter God in their daily experience of life. She offers one-to-one and group spiritual direction, retreats, and other prayer resources to help people notice and respond to the movement of God in and around them.

She received her MA in soul care from Talbot seminary in California and now lives in Milngavie with her husband and three tweens. Jenny has recently taken up songwriting, and enjoys experiencing theology through the lens of art and play.

She writes a monthly letter offering a reflection on a theme and a moment or two of beauty, which you can sign up for here:

Andy Bannister

Andy will be hosting one of the seminars.

Andy is the Director of Solas and is a highly in-demand speaker, writer, and broadcaster. From universities to churches, cafes to pubs, schools to workplaces, Andy regularly addresses audiences of both Christians and those of all faiths and none on issues relating to faith, culture, politics and society. His latest book is How To Talk About Jesus Without Looking Like An Idiot. He also hosts two podcasts, PEP Talk and Pod of the Gaps and presents the Short Answers video series for Solas.

Ken Benjamin

Formerly President of Baptists Together, Ken joined LICC in September 2020 to take on the role of Director of Church Relationships. He is a leading voice in the whole-life discipleship movement.

As Director of Church Relationships at LICC, Ken is responsible for leading our church-facing work, helping fuel a sustainable whole-life disciplemaking culture in the UK church.

He is married to Sue, and they have two adult children. In his free time, he enjoys playing golf and tennis as well as time away in his VW camper.

Josh Strike

Josh works for Christians in Sport as one of the Sports Outreach Workers, working with their student groups in Scotland.

He plays football in the winter and ultimate frisbee in the summer. He is a member of King’s Church Edinburgh, and is also part of a new project working toward sharing the gospel with young people in under-served communities.

Born in South Africa, raised in England now based in Edinburgh, he’s obsessed with sport and always up for a chat about the headlines.

Rachel Turner

Rachel Turner is the founder of Parenting for Faith and has worked in churches for over 15 years as a Family Life Pastor, Children’s Pastor, and a Youth Pastor.

She continues to consult, speak at conferences and run training days for church leaders, parents and families around the world. Rachel is the author of nine books, and the Parenting for Faith course.

We know many families appreciated her online seminar during Canopy Online and are delighted to welcome her in person this year.


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Wee Pink Trailer

Providing quality, local coffee, a selection of snacks and baked goodies and some super friendly chat, don’t miss this wee caffeinated trailer of delights!

Milk & Honey Ice Cream Cart

Whether you’re a toasted coconut, strawberry shortcake or straight up vanilla, this Stirling-based cart of icey treats has got you covered!

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10OfThose Bookshop

Come and browse the book shop area, where you will find plenty of interesting reads relating to our Canopy themes this year!

*We are currently looking into creche options for under 5’s and will update the page as soon as  we can! If you have any questions please email here.

Travel/ Getting here

Getting Here

By train – Larbert High School is a 15-minute walk from the Larbert train station


By bus – 6/7/8 bus will drop you five minutes from the school

By car – Larbert, FK5 3BL


Parking – there is plenty of free parking surrounding the school

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Canopy is an event being organised by the Baptist Union of Scotland, in partnership with many of the local Scottish Baptist churches around our network. We are so grateful to our mighty volunteers and contributors who make this event possible!