Welcome to the Baptist Union of Scotland safeguarding page.
All of these resources and links are here to help you and your church as you work to create a safe environment for all.
As part of our CMD programme we are once again arranging dedicated Webinar training for ministers and chaplains across our network, as well as for Safeguarding Coordinators and Designated Safeguarding Leads in Scottish Baptist churches.
This training will be provided by Thirtyone:eight (thirtyoneeight.org/) – an independent, Christian charity, which has specialised in offering support, consultancy and training in protecting the vulnerable for more than 30 years.
This training is more advanced than may typically be required for volunteers who work with children and vulnerable adults.
We have three separate, online webinar events scheduled in 2025, each consisting of 2 sessions of 2½ hours. Some preparatory pre-reading will be required before attending.
Here are the dates for 2025, for more information or to book please contact Ivy: ivy@scottishbaptist.org.uk
Tuesday 11th March 2025
Monday 22nd & Tuesday 23rd September 2025
Tuesday 4th & Wednesday 5th November

Local churches are responsible for safeguarding and should all have policies and procedures in place, as well as ensuring relevant people receive regular safeguarding training.
Local churches should also have a named Safeguarding Contact, who is normally the first point of contact for safeguarding concerns.

Who should I speak to if I have a safeguarding concern regarding the Baptist Union of Scotland?
Safeguarding Lead – Martin Hodson Martin@scottishbaptist.org.uk
Depute Safeguarding Lead – Ali Laing ali@scottishbaptist.org.uk

If you have a safeguarding concern and would like expert advice, we recommend calling the Safeguarding Charity Thirty-One:Eight – Safeguarding Helpline at 03030031111.
The helpline is for anyone with safeguarding questions or concerns about a person or a situation that requires advice. You do not need to be a member church of ThirtyOne:Eight to use this service.
For more about ThirtyOne:Eight please click HERE

Safeguarding checklist:
The Safeguarding Checklist provides you, as a church, with 12 key questions that will help you develop a healthy culture of safeguarding within your community.
BUS Safeguarding Policy
The Baptist Union of Scotland Safeguarding Policy can be viewed and downloaded here.
Other resources:
ThirtyOne:Eight has a number of great resources that can help you, as a church, grow as a safer space.
The Baptist Union of Great Britain also has some helpful resources.
Volunteer Scotland – Help on Disclosure Services

For any additional safeguarding needs please go to Thirtyone:eight where you will find everything from DBS checks and training, to advice, guidance and support.