
The vision of the Baptist Union at this time is summed up in the word Increase.
The vast majority of voices in our country are predicting the inevitable decline of the church and the absolute triumph of secularisation, but we believe God has given us a different word.
By his power God has called us to increase in this generation. This vision is underlined for us in the message from God through the prophet Jeremiah to the Israelite exiles in Babylon: “Increase in number there; do not decrease.” (Jeremiah 29.6).
We believe that when the environment is inhospitable and there has been prolonged decline, the good news of Jesus still has the potency to flourish.
Prayer is the vital forerunner of increase.
We do not see a technique or programme as the key to growth but first and foremost expressing our dependence on God through prayer. For increase to become a reality, we must become a network of prayer.
We believe we are seeing the first fruits of this vision following a renewed commitment to national, regional and local prayer over the last two years.

For the first time in decades we have experienced a small increase in membership and a surge in baptisms.
Whilst it is far too early to claim significant growth, we remember the words of the prophet: ‘Who dares despise the day of small things?’ (Zechariah 4:10).

Alongside our expectation that God will give increase to our existing 155 churches, our aim is to see 40 new churches planted or revitalised in the decade leading up to 2033.
As part of a bigger national movement of church planting, we recognise that Baptist churches have unique potential and opportunities to establish new congregations so that more people can be invited to follow the way of Jesus.
This requires pathways into ministry and leadership.
Alongside our longstanding partnership with the Scottish Baptist College in training ministers and chaplains, we offer a church planting course in partnership with Forge Scotland, a discipleship and leadership course for young adults called Training Hub, in addition to the Lead Academy programme for churches.

Download the full version that captures the vision, journey and ways we believe God is calling us to become equipped for Increase

Find out more about the BUS vision and God’s call for Increase to our network of churches

Explore the 3 key priorities of the Increase vision: Prayer, Planting and Pathways
You can explore each of these areas further here on our website, where you will find details of how we are building on the Increase vision we believe God has given us as a network and community of Scottish Baptist Churches.