All under one Canopy!

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All under one Canopy!

We are pleased to invite you and your church to join in with Canopy on 23-25 October.

Canopy is a new online gathering for all Scottish Baptist Churches. Over the weekend we will pray together, listen to God’s word, hear inspirational speakers, tell stories of what God is doing in his church and expect him to speak into our lives and communities.

The programme will begin with a national prayer event on the Friday evening. There will be two plenary sessions on Saturday morning, plus special programmes for children and young people, then a wide range of seminars on Saturday afternoon. Lockdown restrictions permitting, we hope that groups of friends will meet in their homes to watch together and share food and conversation around the events.

Canopy will conclude with an online worship event on the Sunday morning, which local congregations can join in with in full, or include a segment of this in their worship gathering.

It has not been possible to hold our traditional Assembly this year due to the restrictions and uncertainties created by the lockdown. This has created the opportunity for this new gathering, which has the potential to draw together many more people than have previously attended the Assembly. The Trustee Board has decided to postpone the AGM until such time as it is possible to meet face to face, so this will not be part of Canopy.

Why the name Canopy?

At its simplest, a canopy creates a welcoming space where people can meet together.

But there is more to it than that. As we planned this event we were moved by some words from Isaiah 4 verse 5:

Then the Lord will create over all of Mount Zion and over those who assemble there a cloud of smoke by day and a glow of flaming fire by night; over everything the glory will be a canopy.

Our hope is that as we assemble together, we too will recognise the glory of the Lord as a canopy above us all, wherever we are.

There’s even more to the than that, but we’ll come to that another time. In the coming weeks we will make further announcements about the plans, the speakers and the contents.

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