Yearning for Hope – Stories of Transformation

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30 Jul, 2020

Yearning for Hope – Stories of Transformation

Shaun gave his life to Jesus and was baptised in 2019 at Central Church, Edinburgh. Here he shares the hope he now has through knowing Jesus even in the midst of uncertain and unsettling times.

‘Today I described my life to someone as a flight in extreme turbulence. Covid19 has spun my circumstances into such chaos that I can barely remember what life was like before it all. Whilst I lie in bed trying to gather my thoughts I pray to Jesus. “Lord I’m struggling just now, what’s the plan?”

I reach for my New living translation and decide to open where I’d left off.

I find Romans 8:18. Entitled “The Future Glory” and it reads, “yet what we suffer now is nothing compared to the glory he will reveal to us later. For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are. Against its will, all creation was subjected to Gods curse, but with eager hope, the creation looks forward to the day when it will join Gods children in glorious freedom from death and decay…”

In this moment I am powerfully reminded of my reality. Of the fallen world I live in and the suffering I will endure. I am reminded that I yearn for hope.

I fall to my knees and thank Christ for his eternal hope. As a Christian I am groaning for my body to be released from sin and suffering and feel God insisting me to remember that no matter how mental life gets, he’s got it under control just as long as I continue to trust him.

A familiar sense of peace settles in.’

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