Prayer Diary - 4 – 6 August 2021

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  3. 4 – 6 August 2021

3 Aug, 2021

4th August

Hopeman BC – Please pray for the fellowship at Hopeman Baptist in Moray, as they seek to be salt and light in their community during these challenging times.

5th August

Inverkeithing BC – Inverkeithing BC thank God for enabling us to provide grocery packages to needy folk in the community throughout the pandemic. We pray that He will develop these relationships through our summer activities so that many of these friends can meet Jesus themselves.

6th August

We pray that as we find more freedom from Covid restrictions many people across Scotland will also come to know the freedom which can only be found in Jesus. We pray for a mighty outpouring of your Spirit in these days Lord!

Every Sunday evening several hundred people from our churches across Scotland join in our National Prayer Livestream. 

The prayer calendar is a framework to help individuals or congregations pray for all our churches throughout the year. 

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