Prayer Diary - 13 – 15 August 2021

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  3. 13 – 15 August 2021

13 Aug, 2021

13th August

Johnstone BC – Pray that we may actually be open again by August after the catastrophic flood we had in January. Pray that the reopening leaflet drop in the surrounding community will bear fruit. Pray also for the potential we have to run a drug proofing your kids course in conjunction with Johnstone High School. As with all fellowships we need prayer for the leading of God’s Holy Spirit in all we do.

14th August

Kelso BC – We give thanks to God for the recent sale of our old church building and our transfer to reform as a SCIO with the growth of our fellowship this past year during difficult covid restrictions. Please pray that we might find a new church home at the right time, and that we discover innovative Spirit-led ways to advance the Good News of Jesus as restrictions ease.

15th August

Kilmarnock BC – We thank God for his love and grace during this past year and the real sense of unity and fellowship we’ve experienced throughout our vacancy and pandemic. God has continued to bless us through our partnership with Calderwood. Having spent a couple of years in vacancy we are excited to now be actively seeking our next Pastor. Please pray for the fellowship as we seek God’s leading in this process.

Every Sunday evening several hundred people from our churches across Scotland join in our National Prayer Livestream. 

The prayer calendar is a framework to help individuals or congregations pray for all our churches throughout the year. 

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