All Change at BUS – Saying Farewell

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All Change at BUS – Saying Farewell

By Jenny Wilson, Connect Editor

It’s all change at BUS just now. At the end of August, we said farewell to three of our colleagues who have served with us for a number of years. Jim Purves, Peter Dick and Lynn Scott have all stepped down from their roles with BUS.

Jim PurvesJim Purves has been the Mission and Ministry Advisor for our network of churches for the last 10 years. Jim has helped support ministers pastorally, given advice and support to churches who have had a period of time without a minister and encouraged churches in mission, as well as overseeing the work of the Mission Initiative Group. Jim’s deep thinking and spirituality has aided the National Team in their work over the years, giving wise insight and counsel to the issues of the day. Jim says of his time working with BUS

“It has been a real privilege and joy to be part of a dedicated and committed team at our BUS offices, where work and ministry are one and the same. I could not have fulfilled my role without our support staff and I thank God for each of them.”

Peter Dick has served as our Finance Director for the last 10 years. Peter has diligently looked after our finances for us, ably helped by Beatrice our Finance Administrator, and has enabled us to continue to support our churches with financial gifts for ministry, mission and innovative outreach projects. Many churches over the last 10 years have benefitted from gifts to support music outreach ministries, additional church workers, youth workers, community workers and much more! Peter has continuously shown his love for God and heart for mission through his support for our churches whether through time and guidance for churches navigating the world of church finances or through financial gifts. Peter says of his time with us:

“I don’t know whether to say this has been the shortest 10 years of my life or the 10 most life-shortening years! It has been an adventure as well as a privilege to serve the churches of BUS in overseeing and directing its finances.”

Lynn Scott has been working as our part-time Administrative Assistant for seven years. Lynn has been a real help in keeping our database up-to-date, working with the property group to make sure our properties are well maintained and helping our churches with various enquiries. Lynn has also been a help to me in organising the registration for our annual gathering and lunch tickets and so on! Lynn commented on her time here:

“It’s been a privilege to be part of the BUS team for the last 7 years and to work with the wider Baptist community in Scotland. Every blessing to the new BUS team who come together in September.”

It has been lovely to work with Jim, Peter and Lynn over the years. We give thanks for them and wish them every blessing in the next season of their lives as they continue to serve God in new and different ways.

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