Prayer Diary - 4-6 October

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4 Oct, 2021

4th October

Baptist Union of Great Britain – We pray that in all their work to support many diverse churches in their network that God would bless them with creativity and innovation in these days. We pray for new and exciting areas for witness and ministry in communities across England and parts of Wales at this time.

5th October

Nairn BC – Give thanks for our staying together so well via our zoom services and now starting our in-person/live-streaming services. For our connection with Renew Wellbeing, becoming a SCIO and seeing new people join us.

Please pray as we seek to care well for our older and vulnerable people, take the next steps with Renew Wellbeing and seek to purchase premises in the town to serve the community and the church as a hub/resource centre.

6th October

New Prestwick BC – We bless God for his faithfulness these past 18 months; for the readiness of our congregation to embrace and engage with resources such as YouTube and Zoom, and for good numbers returning to gathered worship. Pray for us as we seek to re-open the bridges into our community, suspended due to the pandemic. And also as we seek to find new opportunities to fulfil our Gospel mission in New Prestwick.

Every Sunday evening several hundred people from our churches across Scotland join in our National Prayer Livestream. 

The prayer calendar is a framework to help individuals or congregations pray for all our churches throughout the year. 

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