All Change at BUS- saying Hello!

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6 Oct, 2021

All Change at BUS- saying Hello!

In our last Connect we said a fond farewell to 3 of our team, and now this month we are excited to say hello to some new faces! Our new National Team has grown as we welcome Glenn, Lisa, Lyndsay, Andrew and Brian, so do give them a warm welcome and pray for them as they settle into their new roles here at BUS.

We have also been joined by Katrina Eves, our new Administrative Assistant and our Training Hub and Comms support, Mae Moore. Most of you may also be familiar with Ali Laing, who will now be sporting two hats as both Younger Generation, and Digital Church Lead.

Each of our colleagues has an exciting new role to develop and are keen to connect with you as they look at ways to enhance our national work and support what God is doing across our churches.

So come and meet the new team…


Glenn Innes- Future Church Lead


“My new role as Future Church Lead is to facilitate and encourage our family of churches as we go together on Mission into the future. I am looking at working with our churches to resource and equip for church planting, supporting churches in areas of innovation and facilitating experiments in new forms of church.”




Lisa Holmes, Deeper Church Lead


“I’m excited to be taking on this new role as Deeper Church Lead as it is about encouraging us all to start where we are (not where we think we ought to be!); to be Growing Deeper in our devotion to the Lord; Growing Deeper in our formation as followers of Jesus together, and Growing Deeper in being transformed for our everyday life.”



Lyndsay Cameron- Ross, Communications Lead


“I’m delighted to be here in this new role, promoting the togetherness of our network and sharing stories of what God is doing across our churches and communities. I’ll be developing our social media and range of communications, gathering stories from across Scotland and looking at ways for us to become more connected so we can inspire, encourage and support each other.”



Ali Laing, Younger Generation and Digital Church Lead


“My new role as Digital Church Lead is to help churches find opportunities for evangelism and discipleship in digital platforms. Alongside reflecting on what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in a digital age. I’m also continuing as Younger Generation Lead and helping to support and coordinate discipleship in the younger generation across Scotland. This involves running ‘Training Hub’, our spiritual formation training year for young adults; equipping churches with resources, and facilitating a wide range of gatherings”



Andrew Clarke, Leadership Development Lead


“For me this new role is about working with all ministers and church leaders as they look to develop their own particular gifts and skills in leadership and ministry. I will be facilitating transformative church leadership training; supporting continuous ministry development (CMD) for all our accredited ministers, and supporting and encouraging pre-accredited ministers through their initial 3 years of training.”



Brian Windram, Finance Director


“In this new role I am managing the financial affairs of the Baptist Union, supporting and contributing to the work of the National Team and serving and encouraging our network of churches. I’m really looking forward to us developing a greater understanding of finance as a ‘ministry’ rather than just a functional task and to find ways of building finance teams and support networks for our treasurers, as well as involving more of our younger generations in this.”



Katrina Eves, Administrative Assistant


“My new role involves supporting the team through administration- my love for organising is coming in handy as I keep the BUS database updated with new information, deal with the bookings for the BUS holiday accommodation in Findochty and the admin for Lead Academy, our leadership learning community . As well as keeping up-to-date with the general office admin, I also manage the administrative side of the BUS retirement properties and their related matters.”



Mae Moore, Training Hub and Comms Assistant


“This new role involves developing spaces for people to grow in their character, faith, and leadership. I get to help facilitate the Training Hub programme, which involves organising and delivering content around topics such as discipleship, culture, and mission, as well as supporting the trainees. Part of my role also includes developing communications with younger generations through platforms like our new Instagram!”


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