It’s good to talk!

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It’s good to talk!

By Jenny Wilson and Lyndsay Cameron-Ross

Those of us of a certain vintage will remember the TV adverts from the mid-90s for a telecommunications company with actor Bob Hoskins saying ‘It’s good to talk!’

And so it is!

I am sure in this last season, the humble telephone call has been a real comfort to so many people across the country. It is good to talk, it’s important to communicate with each other and share the highs and lows of life together. It is good to share stories which excite, inspire and ‘spur one another on to love and good deeds’ (Hebrews 10:24).

Over the last couple of weeks, I have really enjoyed talking with our new Communications Lead, Lyndsay Cameron-Ross, and starting to get to know her. We have talked about communications, what we do already and what we could do in the future and I have enjoyed listening to Lyndsay’s creative ideas for our communications going forward.

I am now going to be stepping back from most of the communications work for our BUS network and Lyndsay will be developing this going forward, as well as becoming the new Connect newsletter editor and chief storyteller! I will still be involved in the occasional article and will continue to compile the monthly Prayer Guide. I thought I would introduce Lyndsay to you and allow her to share some brief thoughts with you!

Hello everyone, and huge thanks to Jenny and the rest of the BUS team for such a warm welcome. Jenny has done an incredible job of running all our communications these last few years and it’s a delight to be here continuing and developing some of the exciting ideas that we have been chatting about.

Because it really IS good to talk…and email, and What’s App, and hug, and drink coffee on each other’s sofas again! After such an unprecedented 18 months this new autumn season brings not only pumpkin-spiced lattes and cosy hats but a real sense of shifting momentum towards the world opening up again and a new sense of connection which has been so heavily impacted in recent days. It is this sense of connectivity which excites me most in this new role, and one which strongly runs through our theme at Canopy this year.

Seminars focusing around our relationship with climate change in the run up to COP26; on how we retain authenticity in the digital environment and online spaces we inhabit; on ways we can reconnect as families with our kids; within our churches and our local communities. All of these have connection at the heart. If we can be mindful of how we connect to God and connect to others; if we can create space for new conversations; if we can look ahead to this new season with our eyes open for opportunities to really embrace change, then exciting things can grow. And I would love to hear all about it, to share across our network!

Drop me an email, give me a call or let me take you out for coffee; after all, the pumpkin spice lattes won’t drink themselves! Let’s ‘encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing’  (1 Thes 5:11)

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