Over 150 Baptist and Ukrainian Church members join together for prayer vigil

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  3. Over 150 Baptist and Ukrainian Church members join together for prayer vigil

1 Mar, 2022


On Sunday night Simon Schofield, Minister at Abbeyhill Baptist Church in Edinburgh, organised a prayer vigil for Ukraine.

Churches around the country are gathering to pray and support the Ukrainian people this week after the devastating news that Russian has invaded Ukraine.

Over 150 people came from the locality, including the Ukrainian church and community and the local MSP.

They walked to the consulate and met officials there, singing hymns, the Ukrainian national anthem, and wrote messages and prayers of support on the pavement.

This gathering of unity in the midst of chaos and uncertainty is what God has called us to together, as one body with many parts.

If you would like ideas of ways to support the Ukrainian people at this time our friends at BMS World Mission share how you can help here.

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