19-21 March 2022

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19 Mar, 2022

19th March

Lord God we thank you that you have made us in Your image and that just as you are creative, we have been gifted creativity too. We pray for those in our churches who shine the light of Jesus in their creativity – for poets and painters, for wood-turners and worship-song  makers, for  crafters and yummy cake bakers!

20th March

Gordon Jones (Lead Chaplain, NHS Orkney) – Please pray that I would be blessed with grace, wisdom, and good health as I seek to continue to serve and bless others. Please pray for the health and wellbeing of my family. Please give thanks for the good reputation of NHS Orkney’s healthcare chaplaincy service.

21st March

Father God we thank you for the Apostle Peter’s boldness in stepping out of the boat. We pray today that we might share in that boldness and that as you call us out of the boat and into the unknown, we might trust you and keep our eyes on you, whatever you might call us to do for you.

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