Prayer Diary - 22-24 March 2022

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  3. 22-24 March 2022

22 Mar, 2022

22nd March

Central, Edinburgh – We praise God for how he has been with us throughout the pandemic. Please pray that our new Sunday rhythms help our church grow as disciples and that others would come to know Jesus as we give space to sharing the Good News.

23rd March

Father we thank you for the spiritual gifts you give us, that we can use to bless and serve the body of Christ in our churches. Thank you that we are all needed as part of the body of your church and that everyone has a part to play. Lord help us to play our part well.

24th March

City Gates, Edinburgh  – We give thanks for God’s provision as we renovated our building and for the faithful commitment of our fellowship.  Please pray as as we step out in faith seeking a Youth worker and that we will bring the love of God into the lives of our community in real and practical ways.


Every Sunday evening several hundred people from our churches across Scotland join in our National Prayer Livestream. 

The prayer calendar is a framework to help individuals or congregations pray for all our churches throughout the year. 

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