Prayer Diary - 25-27 March 2022

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  3. 25-27 March 2022

25 Mar, 2022

25th March

Cleland Baptist Church – We give God thanks for the faithful ministry we have received from the various speakers throughout the year and for bringing into fellowship two new members. Sadly during the pandemic two important Reach Out ministries have ceased. Pray that God will bring a way to re-start this important work.

26th March

Lord we pray today for the many Renew Wellbeing Cafes and similar initiatives in our churches, which look to provide a safe space for people to be if they are struggling a bit and not feeling ok in themselves. Thank you for these spaces and the volunteers who seek to create a restful environment for people to meet, chat and have a cuppa together.

27th March

Jarod Meenan (Chaplain, NHS Healthcare Aberdeen) Winter will have passed but already, as I write just a few days before Christmas, many staff are extremely tired and stretched beyond their expectations!  For all staff: please pray for continued strength to care deeply for others, alongside the practice of self-care, flowing from a growing awareness of God’s love for all. For the Chaplaincy Team: please pray we, too, will be strengthened in the knowledge of God’s love and be creative and flexible in supporting one another as well as patients, relatives and staff.

Every Sunday evening several hundred people from our churches across Scotland join in our National Prayer Livestream. 

The prayer calendar is a framework to help individuals or congregations pray for all our churches throughout the year. 

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