Hybrid Baptism at Hillhead

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22 Jun, 2022

We are a church based in the West end of Glasgow, of over 15 nationalities who, after two full years of worshipping on Zoom, began Hybrid Church at Easter 2022. Around equal numbers meet at a hotel and on Zoom, and we delight in how that is working out.

Earlier this year, we ran a discussion group for those interested in either Baptism or Covenanted Membership, and were thrilled when two women felt called to be Baptised.  As we don’t currently have our own premises, we needed to borrow a building, and were delighted to accept the invitation of Kings Park Baptist Church, another diverse congregation, on the other side of Glasgow, to use their building.

It was a really joyful afternoon, with scripture read on Zoom, live and recorded music, visitors online from across Scotland and as far away as Canada and the USA.  Afterwards we enjoyed a celebration tea and a cake specially baked for the occasion by one of our Members.

It really was a wonderful example of Baptist interconnectedness as we shared together for the Kingdom!

By Rev Catriona Gorton, Hillhead Baptist Church, Glasgow

  • We absolutely love hearing your stories and testimonies of baptism and transformed lives, so if you have an encouraging story to share please do get in touch with Lyndsay, our Communications Lead:  lyndsay@scottishbaptist.org.uk

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