Making All Things New

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22 Jun, 2022

Wild flowers are one of my favourite things about summer; the variety of colours, shapes, sizes and scents remind me of the beauty in diversity, and the ways in which we are all so unique.

Recently our National team spent 24 hours away together on a retreat. During that time we created space to reflect on a number of areas, but a particular spotlight was shone on the question…’what makes me work well’? It may be easy to answer, or you may need some time to process that, but I would encourage you to pause and consider…

What makes you work well?

As I spent time wandering around the walled garden with my shoes off, I noticed the multitude of vibrant, colourful, absolutely beautiful flowers. Most were in full bloom, but as I looked closer I also noticed that some of them were in various stages of dying. Browning at the edges, petals falling to the ground, these flowers were definitely past their best and my camera lowered as I decided they were not worthy of a capture in that moment. And then I sensed something more, a reminder, that flowers die in order for new ones to grow.

That everything has its season and its time. And that a few of the things that currently make me work well are also perhaps some of the things that I need to allow to die, so that new, even better ways of working can develop, and grow. I wonder what new ways of working might emerge if we allow ourselves to let go and trust God in the process of making all things new?

In June we had an incredible time gathering for Canopy, and it was an absolute joy to be with so many of you from around Scotland. There was such an energy, a sense of excitement and expectation around the day, and many of you have been in touch since to share how God spoke and inspired you. Growth and increase have been key words recently and so we are excited to share some really brilliant opportunities for growth; to become more equipped and ready for a new season of Increase.

In this edition of Connect you can find out about our next Canopy Online event, as well as a link to the video message shared by Martin Hodson, BUS General Director, about what we sense God is calling us to as a network of churches. We have opportunities for you and your churches to develop and grow- perhaps it’s time to invest in yourself through Training Hub, or explore with your church leadership what Lead Academy can offer.

We  were also encouraged to hear of more testimonies of Baptism and God’s faithfulness, and some practical ways to support your communities as many struggle with the cost of living crisis.

As a team, as a network and as believers we pray expectantly for more and would love to hear from you with stories to encourage one another. Perhaps you have a story of something new God is doing?

If you would like to share how God has worked in your life, or through your church please just drop me an email at:

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