Canopy Online 2022

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3 Nov, 2022

Canopy Online was last weekend, and it was incredible to gather online, to connect and pray and hear from so many of you around Scotland!

A huge thanks to all of you who were involved in the planning and creating content. Canopy was an opportunity for hundreds of us across the BUS network to gather together, for shared learning, prayer, worship, encouragement, inspiration and to remind ourselves that we are part of God’s bigger story.

If you want to catch up with any of the sessions or content, or perhaps use the seminars for discussion in your churches and house groups, you can access everything on our BUS Youtube channel!

We were challenged and inspired by Francis Chan, our main Saturday morning speaker, and again through our seminars…

  • The Gospel in an Unpredictable World- Dee Jess
  • Our Identity in Christ- Pam Fulton
  • What Does the Bible say about Increase?- Tim Proudlove
  • Encountering God in Everyday Life- a guided meditation- Jenny Walley

You can find all the details and links here on the Events section of our website: Canopy.

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