Online Advent Calendar 2022

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3 Nov, 2022

Greetings one and all!

We are so delighted to announce that this year we will be launching our second Online Advent Calendar! Last year it was so inspiring to hear what doors God had been opening in your churches and communities, all around Scotland! And due to popular demand, every day of Advent this year we will be hearing from one of you!


Would you like to contribute and surprise us from behind one of our advent doors? We would love to hear from churches from every part of the country to get a real sense of what God is doing across our nation, with stories to inspire and encourage one another.

This year we’d invite you to share what God has been doing behind the doors of your church; what really goes on when someone steps inside, what has connected and provided a space for people, or even a personal story of someone’s life impacted after coming through the doors of your church or community!

If so then please email with your name, church and YES!

Once your advent door has been reserved you will receive an email with instructions on how to create your advent post. This will then be shared online and on our Facebook page.

All information and calendar links will be posted on our website and social media channels at the end of November, just in time for door 1 to be opened!

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