Increase Regional Prayer Gatherings

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7 Dec, 2022

What could it be like if we gathered together to encounter God in worship, to seek his face in prayer, to hear his word and listen to his voice more often across the Nation? God’s word reminds us in Zechariah 4:6 that it’s “Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit says the Lord” and Jesus also reiterates that when he says in John 15 “Apart from me you can do nothing”.

This is a crucial time for us as disciples to come together and increase prayer for the church and the nation.

So our vision is to create opportunities to gather people from a group of churches in a town/city/region to pray together for Increase.

Lisa Holmes, Deeper Church Lead shares:

“We are really excited that we had our first two, incredibly inspiring, regional prayer gatherings; one in Aberdeen, one in Ayrshire.

It’s been great to have the opportunity to gather with Christian from the different churches in each area. To worship together, to create time, be attentive to God and what he’s saying to us, and to pray for the locations across, to give thanks to God for his goodness.

And to pray for church planting across our nation.

We are so appreciative of being able to partner with different churches, especially for the volunteers gathering worship bands together, and for some really creative and innovative prayer stations.

There has been a real sense of God’s presence with us, of unity, and care for one another, and of engaged, enthusiastic and committed prayer. Which we know underpins everything else that we are called to do.


One of our guests shared a sense that God is doing a new thing, that there is going to be a ground swell of prayer, that it’s going to be growing, over time, and these events are creating opportunities for people to come together and lay the foundations for this. .

As we move into 2023 we have more dates planned in Edinburgh, Inverness, Glasgow, and if you are keen to host in your area then do get in touch.


We want you to come along, to be uplifted, encouraged, and be a part of something that is transforming for Scotland.”

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