SBLPA Annual Conference Invite, with Andy Bannister

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29 Mar, 2023

The Scottish Baptist Lay Preachers’ Association is made up of a network of ordinary Christian men and women who are members of Scottish Baptist churches across our nation, who have been called by God to preach His Word.

The Association exists to provide mentoring, training, ongoing development and support for Lay Preachers and to link Churches in need of pulpit supply with available preachers.

If you are involved or interested in Lay Preaching, regardless of whether or not you are a member of the Association, we would like to extend to you a personal invitation to our Annual Conference taking place on Saturday 13th May at Wester Hailes Baptist Church.

The cost is £16 and you can register online at or by email to

This will be an exciting and interesting day together as Dr Andy Bannister (Director of the Solas Centre) unpacks the theme of “Confident Christianity” – how we can be authentic disciples of Christ in an increasingly secularised world.  

Andy will lead 3 sessions, with plenty of time for reflection and interaction:-

1) How to Talk About Jesus Without Getting Fired or Cancelled

Many Christians are nervous to talk about their faith at work, university, or among their friends for fear of what might happen. In this very practical talk, Andy will explore this nervousness we have about evangelism, teach some very practical tools for conversational evangelism, and share real world stories of Christians sharing their faith at work.

2) Beast or Masterpiece: What Does It Mean To Be Human?

What is a human being? Are we just the stuff of which we’re made? A random collection of animals? A slightly more highly evolved primate? These are all answers we hear in our culture — but what are the implications of reducing humanity this way? And what, uniquely, does the Christian faith have to answer by way of an answer to the question “What does it mean to be human?”

3) Sharing Hope in a Culture of Confusion

We live in a culture that is increasingly confused about everything — from spirituality to sexuality, from identity to gender. And a culture in which, especially in these post-pandemic times, hope seems in very short supply. We’ll take a look at how Paul tackled the very confused Greek culture he met in Acts 17, and draw out five lessons we can learn for how we engage our culture today with the hope that Jesus and the gospel offer.

Inspiring worship will be led by Craig Mackay (known to many of us from Refuel), and a buffet lunch is included in the price!

Wester Hailes Baptist Church is easily accessible from the Edinburgh City Bypass, is a short walk from Wester Hailes railway station and a “shuttle service” will be running between Edinburgh Park Station (accessible from the Glasgow mainline or via tram) and the Church. 


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