The Liturgy Collective// Our Next Gathering: ‘Waiting & Longing’ 

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  3. The Liturgy Collective// Our Next Gathering: ‘Waiting & Longing’ 

31 Oct, 2023


Over a year ago some of us sensed the need to give more care to the craft of  worship and the souls of those who lead. Our sense then was that  encouragement and skill could increase among those who give out a lot if we  simply found sacred space to seek God together. So we decided to host  gatherings aimed at those who lead, guide, care and create. These have been  simple gatherings affording space to pray, talk and lean on each other in the  presence of God. You can find out a little bit more about us on our Instagram  page (@aliturgycollective). 

Our Next Gathering: ‘Waiting & Longing’ 

In partnership with Newton Mearns Baptist Church, we will practice waiting  and longing for Christ through worship, spiritual practices and hosted  conversations. Gratefully, NMBC have invited us to host this gathering at a  poignant time as we anticipate the season of Advent. There is much in our  world over which we want to lament and prayerfully express our longings for  God to heal. The recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, as well as the  ongoing attritional war in Ukraine, are constant reminders that our world aches  for wholeness and healing. When was the last time you fervently expressed  this deep ache? Indeed, when was the last time, as a leader, you were invited  to express your own personal aches and fears in the presence of God? We  want to offer a sacred space at our next gathering for those who are about to  lead their communities through Advent. We will focus on prayers, poems,  songs that include lament as well as hosting formative conversations on topics  which we believe will practically equip those who lead: 

Programme: Friday 24th November, 7pm. 7.00 pm-7.15 pm: Arrival and Coffee. 

7.15 pm: Welcome by NMBC & Gather for worship. 


Reflection on Lament: Stephen Crothers

Spiritual Practice in the way of the cross: Jenny Walley 

8.15 pm-9.15 pm: Circle Conversations. 

Small group conversation  

(30 mins for each conversation) and space to pray. 

  1. Balance & Diet. (Jenny & Stephen)  
  1. Craft and Creativity. (Fiona & Zak) 

If you are wanting to come along to this next gathering, Friday 24th  November, (7pm-9.15pm) at Newton Mearns Baptist Church, please just  indicate so by emailing at your nearest convenience.  

Our leaders and guides for this gathering. 

Jenny Walley: Jenny is a spiritual director and, more recently, the creator of  Living Seeds. Jenny loves to create space for people to encounter God in their  daily experience of life. For eighteen years she has enjoyed the privilege of  offering guided retreats, discernment processes, one-to-one and group  spiritual direction in order to help people notice and respond to the  movement of God in and around them. Jenny will be leading us in an  embodied practice that rehearses the way of the cross. 

Zak Robb: Zak is team lead for Worship & Gatherings at Central church in  Edinburgh. He offers a wealth of experience in leading worship across different  contexts and has recently been involved in creating a new EP birthed out of  their own church context in Edinburgh. Zak will be crafting and guiding our  worship at the gathering in November. 

Fiona Stewart: Fiona is a writer, performer and broadcaster based in Glasgow.  She is the Creative Director of Foolproof Creative Arts and a regular  contributor to BBC Radio Scotland and BBC Radio 4. She writes and performs  spoken word poetry under the hashtag #poemsofhope. Fiona will be guiding  our hearts and minds through prayers and poetry. 

Stephen Crothers: After leaving NHS Grampian as a physiotherapist over 15  years ago, Stephen began training for full-time ministry at Aberdeen University  whilst leading the worship and student ministry at Gerrard Street Baptist  Church. Stephen has now served as lead pastor at Adelaide Place Baptist  Church for the last 11 years. He began @aliturgycollective on return from his  sabbatical in 2022. Stephen will be guiding our prayers and reflections. 


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