‘One More for Jesus, Just One More..’

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30 Apr, 2024

by Eder Ferraz, Pastor, Perth Baptist Church

“Dear Baptist Family! Here is a question and a challenge for us all. What would happen if we were to take the parable of the lost sheep seriously and literally? Here at PBC, we are finding that out. It has been challenging yet transforming!
Over a year ago as we were preparing to baptise people in our church, Jesus challenged us to believe for one more. We prayed about it in the lead-up to the baptisms and chose to believe that God would bring one more. On the day of the baptismal service, we made a public call asking if there was one more for Jesus! And guess what, there was one more for Jesus! A young man stood up and said “I am the one, I am coming”. Our one more for Jesus prayer was answered! Due to the Young man’s confession of faith that day, four more people fell under the Holy Spirit’s conviction and got baptised four weeks later.
Fast forward another year. We as a church prayed and fasted for 21 days and at the end of our fasting, we were again challenged to believe, one more for Jesus. We announced three baptismal services without a single person to baptise yet by the time you read this eighteen people have been baptised since the beginning of 2024 because we dared to pray one more for Jesus!
Will you pray alongside us for one more? As we pray for those Jesus has for you too!
One more for Jesus, just one more!”
In this video Eder shares about their baptisms and recaps a little of their Walking with God series and outlines the focus of `Perth Baptist Church for the coming weeks as they examine God’s calling.

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