Tracy’s Leap of Faith for BMS

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9 Oct, 2024

Tracy Taylor, a member of Lochgilphead Baptist Church, took a huge leap of faith recently as she jumped out of a plane to raise funds and awareness for BMS!

Tracy explained before the jump why she is passionate about BMS and supporting the work they do…

BMS puts feet on the ground to meet needs and offer support to those living in impoverished situations around the globe.

What does ‘feet on the ground’ look like? Couples, individuals or families who are sent by BMS to live in hard to reach countries who provide pathways to education, good health care for those with the fewest opportunities and take the good news of Jesus to places where it’s never been heard before. This calling needs courage.

Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane will require all the courage we possess. Neither of us would choose to do this for fun, but we believe that what the BMS teams are doing is worth the personal risk, and 40 seconds of (sheer terror) free fall!

You can watch the video of Tracy and Shaun here as they get ready and make the leap, and read more about their experience below:


BMS said, “🪂

Well done to Tracy and Shaun who completed their skydive and have raised almost £2,400 for BMS!
We feel dizzy even looking at this image, which is taken from footage of Shaun’s tandem dive. Tracy and Shaun, your breathtaking bravery has played a part in bringing the good news of abundant life in Jesus Christ to lots of people across the world, as has the generosity of each one of your sponsors!
(And it’s good to hear you’re safely back on earth too!)

Tracy said, ” WOW! What an amazing response we have received from all of you, and we are so very grateful. We are so grateful too that we survived, and even enjoyed the tandem skydive! It was truly a life altering experience, and we are hopeful that the money we raised will enable BMS staff to reach those who are desperate need of help, and give them life altering assistance.”

You can find out more about the amazing work that BMS do here on their website.

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