Join the Scottish Church Planting Network for a new conference which will bring together Christians from across Scottish church denominations and mission agencies who are seeking to work together to see a vibrant, worshipping, witnessing Christian community in every locality and network in Scotland.
The conference will be a significant opportunity to share successes and challenges from established church plants, inform interested leaders about church planting approaches and inspire each other to continue planting across Scotland.
We will meet over two days with a focus on leadership, networking and resourcing on Friday 26 April and mobilising the wider church into church planting on Saturday 27 April. Delegates are invited to attend both days of the conference though it will be possible to attend for one day only.
Tea & coffee, light snacks and lunch will be provided on both days of the conference and any dietary requirements can be catered to.

The first day of the conference is designed to bring together Church leaders from across denominations who are actively engaged in church planting and streategic leadership.
The second day of the conference is designed to inspire a wide, vibrant audience, bringing together congregation members, elders, pioneers, policy makers and future leaders with a particular heart for church planting.

You can hear more about this exciting new conference for Scotland in our Podcast, where Glenn and Lisa share about the vision, aims and content for what sounds like a visionary couple of days!