Dumfries Baptist used as Vaccination Centre!

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26 Feb, 2021

Dumfries Baptist used as Vaccination Centre!

By Alistair Purss, Lead Pastor, Dumfries Baptist Church

We were delighted when our neighbours from the Gillbrae Medical Centre approached us about the possibility of using our Sports Hall as a Vaccination Centre.

We responded by offering the Sports Hall and the help of over 30 church family volunteers for the purpose of car park stewarding, entrance and exit stewarding and hospitality, preparing and serving coffee/tea/home baking for the hard-working NHS Staff during their break times.

It’s great to see the Church Centre being used in this way to provide a suitable and safe place for the vaccination programme. An opportunity to serve our community in the name of Jesus Christ.

‘…And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him’ – Colossians 3:17.

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