‘Mornings of Grace’ at Leith Baptist Church

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26 Feb, 2021

‘Mornings of Grace’ at Leith Baptist Church

By Brian Windram, Church Elder

One of the great blessings of this unexpected season has been ‘Mornings of Grace’.  We started this group, which meets between 8.00am-8.30am each weekday morning on zoom, in April 2020. Initially it was led by Pastor Eder and around 8-12 people from the fellowship joined in on a regular basis. It was a simple concept – a warm welcome as people gathered; a 15-minute devotional; 15 minutes of praying together; and then off to start the day.

For the first few weeks we followed a regular pattern. At LBC we have five foundations: The Word; Worship; Prayer; Prophecy and Mission and our Monday through Friday devotions were themed each day to reinforce our foundations together. It was going well but as we emerged from the first lockdown in June some were going back to work and daily routines changed, including for our Pastors, so we made some changes too. The most significant adjustment was in leading the group.

A sister, relatively new to the church, offered to continue to ‘host’ the morning meetings. A few different people began to offer to lead the devotionals – people were now joining in from their workplaces, their cars, their breakfast tables, their bedrooms, even whilst out walking their dogs! Our apprehensive but willing sister has now become a confident leader and brings a devotional at least one day every week.

Different people now lead every day bringing testimonies, encouragements and we have seen many amazing answers to prayer, with many now leading who have never shared up front at church before. It’s a microcosm of church itself – developing leaders, equipping each other, meeting daily in our homes and encouraging the rest of the fellowship – a place of blessing and spiritual growth during challenging times!

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