Prayer Diary - 7-9 December 2021

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  3. 7-9 December 2021

7 Dec, 2021

7th December

Father God, we pray for winter night shelters across the country and the staff and volunteers who run these important facilities. We pray that many lives will be saved this winter because shelter, warmth and other provisions are made to the vulnerable and homeless.

8th December

Lord Jesus we pray today for our brothers and sisters in many countries in the world who face persecution and who may even be in prison for their faith. Lord we pray that in the midst of suffering and hardship they will know your very real presence with them.

9th December

Strathendrick BC – We are in such an exciting new season in the life of our wee church, having just appointed our first ever Ministry and Outreach Worker! We praise God and give huge thanks for this amazing blessing and also for the journey He has brought us on to arrive at this place.  Please pray that God would continue to guard, guide and bless us all as we step out in faith to serve and honour Him in our community.

Every Sunday evening several hundred people from our churches across Scotland join in our National Prayer Livestream. 

The prayer calendar is a framework to help individuals or congregations pray for all our churches throughout the year. 

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