Prayer Diary - 19-21 December 2021

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19 Dec, 2021

19th December

Please pray for those who find Christmastime a difficult time of year for many reasons. Pray that these folk will know peace in the midst of their sorrow and a sense of hope in the midst of their darkness.

20th December

Viewfield BC – We give thanks to God for the growth we are experiencing, particularly the many new people.  It is also been very encouraging seeing people engage in serving the Lord in the Church.  We would value prayer as we seek the Lord leading for the next 3-5 year vision. God is on the move and we give him thanks.

21st December

Westray BC – We give thanks to God for the clarity with which He continues to speak to us regarding laying down overworking and busyness, embracing His rest, and freeing ourselves up. Please pray for us to increase in obedience to the Lord in this, and – in this and every other area – that we would bear witness to the transformative power of Christ and His Kingdom.

Every Sunday evening several hundred people from our churches across Scotland join in our National Prayer Livestream. 

The prayer calendar is a framework to help individuals or congregations pray for all our churches throughout the year. 

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