Scottish Baptist College: Vacancy Opportunity

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1 Feb, 2022

Our friends at the Scottish Baptist College are looking for a new Administrator for a part time role. Could it be you or someone you know?

Graham Meiklejohn, Senior Lecturer and Communications Coordinator is here with more info:

‘At the beginning of the year our long-serving administrator, Joyce Holloway, decided it was time to take on a new challenge. From March 2022 Joyce will be working for Diakoneo Legal Services, offering legal services to churches and charities. We wish her well in her new adventure!

However, it means the College is in the process of recruiting a new team member. Please note the closing date is Friday February 11th which is less than 2 weeks away! Further details including job description, salary, and application process can be found on our website.’

More Info or Apply now!

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