As we enter this season of Lent we have been so encouraged by how many of you are planning to participate in praying for one another across our nation as part of ‘Watch and Pray for Lent 2022‘.
We have included a short video which is available here on our YouTube channel which can be downloaded and shared as part of your services, on social media and websites.
You can also find the Zoom links below to join in the National Prayer Gathering on Wed 2nd March at 7pm, and then each Sunday evening at 7pm for the duration of Lent. We will also post these on our website a couple of days before the event.
National Prayer Gathering, Wednesday 2nd March at 7pm
Meeting ID: 841 3984 1497
Passcode: 754407
Weekly Prayer Gathering, Sunday evenings at 7pm, from 6 March – 10 April
Meeting ID: 858 9896 4108
Passcode: 165543
Please do feel free to share this with the people in your churches so we can gather as many together online and pray for Scotland.
If you have any questions you can find all the information in the Events section of our website, or if there is more you would like to share we are always delighted to hear from you! Please do just drop us an email or give one of the team a call.