Prayer Diary - 13-15 April 2022

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  3. 13-15 April 2022

13 Apr, 2022

13th April

CBC Baptist Church, Glasgow We give thanks for the church family at CBC Community Church in Glasgow. Lord, as they worship and witness in their local community we pray that you would give them opportunities to share the gospel with others.

14th April

Crown Terrace Baptist Church, Aberdeen – We give thanks to God for the new people from diverse backgrounds coming around the church and Pop Up Cafe, especially a group of Iranian Christians who are being accommodated in Aberdeen while their asylum applications are being processed. We pray for our ongoing work with the homeless on Friday evenings and the developing work among the seekers of asylum currently in Aberdeen.

15th April

As we look to the Cross today we remember you Jesus, the Lamb who was slain for us, and we give thanks that you laid down your life for us to take away our sins. We pray for churches across Scotland marking Good Friday in their communities, that it will be a time of reflection as well as an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus with others.

Every Sunday evening several hundred people from our churches across Scotland join in our National Prayer Livestream. 

The prayer calendar is a framework to help individuals or congregations pray for all our churches throughout the year. 

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