ESOL Reaches Over 20 Nationalities at Dennistoun Baptist

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27 Jul, 2022

As many Baptist churches around Scotland are hosting summer outreach programmes and holiday clubs we hear what God has been doing through Dennistoun Baptist Church…

‘Dennistoun Baptist Church took the gospel to its local community through a packed week of summer outreach in Glasgow’s East End.

The church worked with a team from First Baptist Church, Prattville, Alabama, to provide a children’s holiday club each morning and an English language class in the afternoons, at a local secondary school.

Every evening, participants were invited to a community meal at Dennistoun’s building nearby and many also attended what turned into a standing-room-only celebration service on the Sunday morning which was followed by food and an inflatable assault course for the kids.

During the week, 73 children enjoyed Gospel-based songs, games, stories and craft activities, while 72 learners from nearly 20 countries benefited from the ESOL tuition which included faith discussion and teaching English through the Bible. Care was provided for around 20 children while their parents took part in the classes.

It’s hoped many of the learners will attend DBC’s weekly ESOL class when it resumes in August.

Dennistoun’s pastor, Mark Morris, said: “God led, provided and protected our time. It was clear His hand of grace was on us. So many connections with people from the community were made. The meals at the church got busier each evening and many of the ESOL learners brought food from their home countries for us to share.

“It was a privilege to bring the Gospel to so many people while meeting needs, in partnership with brothers and sisters in Christ from the USA.”

One mum got in touch with the church with this encouraging feedback: “Please pass on my thank-you to all at DBC for their hard work and dedication in impacting the younger generation. It truly has been a faith-building work for my daughter.”

Please continue to pray for Dennistoun Baptist as they develop their work in the community and in renovating their building. You can find out more here and follow their progress via Instagram– why not see if your church can lend a hand for a few hours with some of the practical work needing done?!

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