Church Planting Course & Conference

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7 Feb, 2024

Church Planting is just one of the ways the BUS is responding to God’s calling to pray and equip his people for Increase in our nation. Glenn Innes, BUS Future Church Lead, is involved in both the new Scottish Church Planting Network, hosting their first training conference this April, and in leading the new BUS church planting course.

“This year, for the first time, we have partnered with Forge Scotland to train some church planters from around our network of churches.  We have eight people working through the course, representing 5 possible new works around our country.  

One of the people on this journey is Steve Aitken from Sheddocksley Baptist Church in Aberdeen:”

Reflection on Church Planting training through Forge: 

“I think the first lesson learned from our church planting journey is, do I know what church planting is?  It sounds like a pretty obvious question but, surprisingly, it was one that I hadn’t actually asked.  I entered into the journey with pre conceived ideas and expectations that I have had to unlearn.  In fact, our first attempt bombed and has had to be completely reimagined.  Even the term ‘Church Planting’ has connotations that we will go somewhere and plant something that doesn’t already exist.  In fact, the hearts of the lost and the heart of God are already there, wherever we go, we just need to create a connection.  That’s what church planting really needs to be at its core.

The Forge Pioneer course has been key to understanding these points.

It has changed my view of church planting from it being a photocopy of the parent church to being a real move of God into an area of the city that has its own individual needs.  They term these as fresh expressions of church, and I love it!

The Forge environment is one where you are surrounded by a range of people, from pioneers with 20 years of experience to those just thinking of starting a journey, and no questions are dismissed.  In fact, some of the questions from the people with no experience are actually the ones that get you thinking most deeply. 

The final deliverable for the course is either a missional audit of the area in which you are/about to launch, or a two year plan for planting a church.  I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is thinking about starting a traditional or non traditional gathering of Christians (call it what you want), as you will be so encouraged and guided to start something that will be a joy to be part of. 

Doing His will should be fun!”

If you would like to find out more about Church Planting taster courses and training opportunities, please contact Glenn at:

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