Easterhouse Bags of Hope & Kindness

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27 Mar, 2024

It is always incredibly encouraging to see the creative ways churches connect with local communities, and Easterhouse Baptist Church have been sharing the hope and joy this season by delivering 250 bags of hope and kindness to their local community!

An enthusiastic team of volunteers gathered to pack, pray and deliver bags of treats to bless the local community, including an invitation to join any of the Easter events detailed inside, along with chocolate eggs, hot cross buns and some cheery daffodils!

Pam Fulton, Pastor, shares; “It’s a total joy to work as a team to pack and deliver Easter bags of Hope and Kindness to our local community. We’ve been doing it for 4 years, Christmas AND Easter! At Christmas we get match funding from Love Christmas/Love Your Neighbour based out of HTB. Easter we do it all ourselves, money is donated by church family & Morrisons give us a community discount.”

They pray that those who receive them may know the joy and hope of Jesus this Easter, and that God loves them!

We would love to share more stories of ways that you have been reaching out to bless your local community, or ways that God has been transforming lives!

Drop Lyndsay an email with your stories at lyndsay@scottishbaptist.org.uk.

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