Souls and Stomachs Fed at Magnitude 2024

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31 Jul, 2024

Magnitude 2024

The dirty laundry is being washed, the tents are being packed away, but the joy, stories, friendships, life-changing moments, encounters and learning are all still very much ongoing for hundreds of young people. You may have heard mention of ‘Magnitude’ this summer, and for over 500 young people from Scottish baptist churches, that’s just where they have been! Ali Laing, BUS Younger Generations Lead and part of the Magnitude Management Team, shares all about one of the most exciting weeks in the church calendar…






“For the 3rd year in a row we ran a Baptist Union Catering Camp at Magnitude. This year we provided meals and catered for 269 people from 16 different churches. Churches came from Wick all the way down to the central belt. It is safe to say that we all had a great time. The stars of the show were our amazing support team of Ruth, Lesley, Paul, Alex, Lorraine, Debbie, Jill, Susan, Sam, Irene and a whole host of incredible volunteers from the churches.

Magnitude is a festival for teenagers and runs in partnership with Scripture Union Scotland at Lendrick Muir. You can see some of the highlights on this link.

The theme this year was King and Kingdom: Live Differently where we explored Matthew gospel in particular the sermon on the mount. The Bible Society Scotland produced a bespoke Matthew’s gospel which was given to all 1400 teenagers attending. 


Across the event we saw 100s of young people responding in various ways to Jesus from salvation and recommitment to following Jesus to responding to be empowered to reach their generation. The whole event was full of joy, faith, praise and a sincere desire to see Christ’s Kingdom expanded in Scotland.

Please continue to pray for the young people and ministry of Magnitude within Scotland, and especially for the regional worship nights that we run in partnership with them throughout the year. For more information please go to



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