To God be ALL the Glory! Celebrating 9 Baptisms at Dalkeith

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7 May, 2024

by Jeremy Shaw; Pastor, Dalkeith Baptist Church, May 2024


Dalkeith Baptist Church has known its fair share of ups and downs over the years.
It just so happens that, by the grace of God, at the present time we are on the up. We don’t take this for granted, and we are thankful.
The Faithfulness of God
It wasn’t that long ago that we all couldn’t meet on a Sunday; you’ll have your own recollection of those uncertain days. How things have changed. God has kept the faith, even when we might have doubted Him and His purposes.
In faith we have prayed, and God has graciously answered our prayers. We prayed for increase; for young families to join our church, and God has added to our number in ways beyond our imagining.
The blessings we are celebrating in this season of life and ministry, as the family of believers here at Dalkeith Baptist Church, are entirely the result of God’s goodness and faithfulness. We are all just spectators; looking with wide eyes and dropped jaws upon the stage of God’s unfolding grace at work among us.
The Fruit of Running Alpha
We have been running the Alpha Course for the last two years in the autumn. God has been pleased to use and bless our Alpha Course; and for the past two Easter Sunday mornings we have had people baptised.
On Easter Sunday past, we had the joy and the privilege of baptising nine fledgling believers. Each testimony was one of gratitude in recognition of God’s redeeming love and grace. The fellowship, as you might imagine, was overjoyed and greatly encouraged. For God is at work among us.
Join with us then, if you will, in celebration of all that God is doing at the present time among His people.
And so, I end where I began, with the ultimate declaration: To God be all the glory!

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