Are you interested in developing yourself, your leadership and finding your place in the Kingdom of God? Then why not take some time out alongside work or study to explore all that God may have for your life. Training hub could be a great way of doing this…

What Is Training Hub?
We are a 10 month intentional discipleship experience built on 3 key principles: spiritual formation, mission, and leadership.
The year will consist of weekend gatherings, evening hubs, and book club twice a month.
Training Hub’s purpose is to help you grow in your understanding of God and who He has made you to be, and to help you find your place in the body as He seeks to establish His Kingdom here in Scotland.
Who is it for?
Training Hub is for anyone aged 18 and over. It is run in such a way that it can work for you whatever stage of life you are at. Here are some examples of people who benefited from Training Hub in the past:
- Students at university (You will miss a few Friday lectures!)
- People taking a year out to serve their church.
- People working full time. (You will need to take a few days annual leave across the year.)
- Parents whose kids are now in full time education and want to invest in themselves and their faith.
This year is not just for those that feel called to work within a local church but this is a year for everyone. God calls many of us to work in different spheres of society – in the future you may work as a plumber, teacher, doctor or church leader. Whatever sphere of society you are called into in life, the Training Hub year is a great way of developing a Christ centred life and space to grow in Godly leadership.

Invest in yourself, your leadership, your faith and your future.
As The Baptist Union of Scotland we believe it is hugely important to take time as a young person to develop a Christ centred life. To learn what it is to be an apprentice of Jesus in 21st century Scotland.

What will I learn?
What does it cost?
Training Hub has 3 elements of cost:
- Financial – Of course, it takes money to run this course. For the year we ask for £850 which covers the cost of speakers, accomodation during the residentials and resources etc.
- Time – There is a time cost that comes with doing Training Hub. Whether that be using annual leave to attend conferences, missing a couple of lectures throughout the year, or sacrificing a weekend or two, we acknowledge the cost of that.
- Effort – As with most things, the more you put into this year, the more you get out of it. Throughout the year, as you attend conferences, engage in discussion with fellow trainees, and work on assignments, we find those who put the effort in are the ones who benefit and enjoy the year most!
- Required reading books are not covered by this.
- Travel costs are not covered.
- It can be paid in instalments.
Training Hub is administered by the Baptist Union of Scotland. All payments should be made out to the Baptist Union of Scotland.

You can find all the information and details about Training Hub in our trusty Handbook, which is available to view or download below! If you have any questions or enquiries in the meantime, just complete the contact form at the bottom of this page, or email Ali Laing at:
Find out more about Training Hub by downloading the Handbook!

Apply now for Training Hub by completing the online application form:
want to find out more?
For any enquiries about Training Hub please send us a message below.