Together Through Lent – Week 5

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Week 5 – Thankfulness


Friday 19th March

As we start week 5 of journeying Together Through Lent, Sam shares his reflections on Luke 17 and Jesus’ practice of thankfulness, as well as some practical tips for us.

Give the video below a watch, and spend a bit of time afterwards talking to God, thanking Him for the big and small ways He has shown Himself in your life recently, and asking how you might show thankfulness this week.

Saturday 20th March

This week, we have Jenny writing our blog post on thankfulness.

In this blog, Jenny Wilson, PA to the General Director of the Baptist Union of Scotland, shares her reflections on the practice of thankfulness we see in Jesus’ life, and how even in the midst of challenging times, we are able to lift our eyes and be thankful.


There is something special about the practice of being thankful. It lifts your eyes from the challenges and circumstances of everyday life, and instead draws you to look at the positive things in life to be grateful for, even in the midst of the storm. 

If you have ever seen the film Pollyanna, based on the book by Eleanor Porter, you will know that the little orphan Pollyanna, wins people over with her ‘glad game’ and positive outlook on life. She can always find something to be glad about, even when things are hard.

During this season of Lent, my friends at Southside Christian Fellowship have been doing #40daysofthankfulness. And I tell you what, in the midst of the challenges of another Covid-19 lockdown it has been refreshing and uplifting to see my friends post on social media what they are thankful for each day! It has really lifted my spirits and caused me to be thankful to God and consider what I am thankful for each day. 

As Christians, we have so much to be thankful for. Thankful that we are in God, through Christ, each and every day. Paul in Colossians 2 calls us to ‘overflow with thankfulness’:

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.’ Col 2:6-7 

We can be thankful for the many good things in our lives, and, we can also be thankful even in the midst of some very dark and challenging times in our lives. Thankfulness to God, having a sense of gratitude for even the smallest of things, can lift our eyes off our own circumstances and on to the One who holds all things together and sees the bigger picture. 

So, as you journey through this next week – what are you thankful for?


Celebration Sunday 21st March

As you tune in with your church family today, take some time to thank God for individuals and families who attend.

Why not tell them you’re thankful for them too?

Monday 22nd March

Today, as we continue our week of practicing thankfulness, write a thank you card to someone who has been on your mind and send it to them. Who doesn’t love getting post?!

Tuesday 23rd March

As we practice Thankfulness today, why not write 20 little notes of things you’re thankful for and leave them around your house as reminders to thank God every time you see them?

Wednesday 24th March

Today, spend 20 minutes talking to God and thanking Him for everything He has done for you, from the beginning of history, through to today and into eternity!

Thursday 25th March

“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise”

Spend time meditating on Psalm 100 today, and thanking God for who He is.

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