Only Four Weeks to Canopy!

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1 Sep, 2021

Only Four Weeks to Canopy!

It’s now only four weeks to Canopy and we are working on finalising everything ready for launch on Friday 1 October! We have a number of contributors and I thought I would highlight a few of them to you just now:

Ruth Valerio will be speaking to us on Saturday 2 October about the church and climate change. She is Global Advocacy and Influencing Director at Tearfund. An environmentalist, theologian and social activist. She is the author of L is for Lifestyle:Christian Living that doesn’t cost the earth and Just Living:Faith and Community in an age of Consumerism, and has written the Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2020 Lent book, entitled Saying Yes to Life.


Simon Dennis may be familiar to a number of us as he is the Lead Pastor of Sheddocksley Baptist Church in Aberdeen. As Lead Pastor since 2016 his heart for all people to grow in their faith, his teaching that equips ‘everyday disciples’, and his apostolic love for local community have been hallmarks of Simon’s life and ministry. Simon will be sharing with us on the Saturday morning of Canopy and we are really looking forward to what he brings!

Yinka Oyekan will be sharing with us on the Sunday morning of Canopy. Yinka will be familiar to many of our churches as the pioneer of The Turning street evangelism initiative. Yinka Oyekan is the senior pastor of The Gate Church in Reading.  He has a long history in equipping and training individuals in evangelism and mission. Yinka’s main passion throughout has been in Church Planting as the building of a strong community of disciples is the ultimate goal of evangelisation.


We look forward to hearing from all of our contributors at Canopy and what they feel led to share with us. You can find more information about the programme for Canopy and about how to obtain free tickets for this online event on the Canopy page of our website:


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