Prayer Diary - 13-15 November 2021

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  3. 13-15 November 2021

13 Nov, 2021

13th November

Lord we pray today for those who work with children and young people in our churches. May they receive from you wisdom in this season. May you give them fresh vision, renewed strength and amazing creativity as they seek to provide a space for young people to learn about God and experience who you are in their lives.

14th November

Selkirk BC – We want to give thanks for the way in which the leadership team formed during our vacancy has grown together, and for the way we were able to work so well with other churches in the area to operate an outdoor children’s holiday club. We ask for discernment as we begin on the journey towards future ministry here in Selkirk.

15th November

Sheddocksley BC – Give thanks with us for the growing opportunity we have to love God and love our neighbours into life through a local foodbank, providing emotional support to the vulnerable, and our relaunched parent and toddlers group. Pray for wisdom and creative direction for our online ministry, through which God seems to be moving beyond our imagination.

Every Sunday evening several hundred people from our churches across Scotland join in our National Prayer Livestream. 

The prayer calendar is a framework to help individuals or congregations pray for all our churches throughout the year. 

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