Prayer Diary - 10-12 January 2022

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  3. 10-12 January 2022

10 Jan, 2022

10th January

European Focus – We give thanks for our brothers and sisters in Baptist churches across Europe. We pray God that you would bless your people in churches across Europe this year. May churches share the message of Jesus Christ with boldness and faith in 2022.

11th January

Alexandria BC – We give thanks for guidance and assistance by a retired pastor! Please pray for wisdom in any possible future church appointments.

12th January

Lord Jesus as we continue through the dormancy and darkness of winter, we pray that you would help us to know your strengthening and rest in our lives, so that we can grasp the fullness of the vibrancy of spring to come!

Every Sunday evening several hundred people from our churches across Scotland join in our National Prayer Livestream. 

The prayer calendar is a framework to help individuals or congregations pray for all our churches throughout the year. 

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