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We love to hear from you and create the space for your stories to be told. If you have some news, a new project, baptisms or any other stories of how God is working in your lives and in your community we would really encourage you to get in touch.

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Relationships, Sexuality & the Scottish Curriculum

Relationships, Sexuality & the Scottish Curriculum

Young people receive all kinds of information and messages regarding relationships, sexuality, gender and health, and one of the controversial discussions spotlighted in the media recently is around what is being taught in schools. Steve McLeister, who is an elder at...

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Refresh and Retreat: Reflections

Refresh and Retreat: Reflections

In March the BUS hosted our first Refresh and Retreat opportunity for ministers and those working for church leadership teams, at Airth Castle Hotel. This was a significant time to gather as leaders and Jonathan, Dawn and Josh share their reflections of their...

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SBLPA Annual Conference Invite, with Andy Bannister

SBLPA Annual Conference Invite, with Andy Bannister

The Scottish Baptist Lay Preachers' Association is made up of a network of ordinary Christian men and women who are members of Scottish Baptist churches across our nation, who have been called by God to preach His Word. The Association exists to provide mentoring,...

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Church Planting Taster Course

Church Planting Taster Course

Have you been wondering what all this talk about church planting is? Perhaps you have a wee inkling toward church planting and want to think about it more? Has God stirred you about church planting, but you don’t know what the next steps should be? Is your church...

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Menopause Masterclasses at Stirling Baptist

Menopause Masterclasses at Stirling Baptist

In Scotland, approx 400,000 women are of menopausal age and most women will experience menopausal symptoms in a variety of ways. For some, these may be severe and have a large impact on their lives; these symptoms can include memory loss, insomnia, anxiety,...

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Kook Skool at Pollok Baptist

Kook Skool at Pollok Baptist

By Rev Dave Murray, Associate Pastor at Pollok Baptist "Welcome to our Kook Skool, the only one of its kind in the UK. Jesus is often found sitting down, eating and engaging with people sharing life moments. These organic life moments we see in scripture have...

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Spiritual Growth, the Seaside and Sweet Treats…

Spiritual Growth, the Seaside and Sweet Treats…

"We can’t believe we are mid-way through our 2022/23 Training Hub course!  Over the last four months eight trainees have been embarking on a discipleship journey. The group is made up of young adults working, interning, or serving in their local churches across...

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The Craft of Worship

The Craft of Worship

"I must admit that I am a bit of a beginner when it comes to liturgy. High church is not my background nevertheless I have always cared about the craft of worship. More recently I have felt a bit at odds with some aspects of contemporary worship and it seemed to me...

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Living Seeds with Jenny Walley, Bearsden Baptist

Living Seeds with Jenny Walley, Bearsden Baptist

Many of you will be familiar with Jenny Walley, one of our Canopy Online contributors, who hosted a live zoom seminar around a guided meditation. Jenny is part of Bearsden Baptist Church, and works as a spiritual director for those keen to explore and become more...

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Increase Regional Prayer Gatherings

Increase Regional Prayer Gatherings

What could it be like if we gathered together to encounter God in worship, to seek his face in prayer, to hear his word and listen to his voice more often across the Nation? God’s word reminds us in Zechariah 4:6 that it’s “Not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit...

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A Liturgy Collective

A Liturgy Collective

A Liturgy Collective, by Stephen Crothers, Adelaide Place Baptist Church Shaped and created by Baptist leaders in the city centre of Glasgow and Edinburgh, wanting to serve and draw together those in our community who care about the craft of worship, and sense the...

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NEW Podcast, feat. Neil Macmillan!

NEW Podcast, feat. Neil Macmillan!

'We are joined on this ReCast episode by Neil Macmillan, Church Planting Director for the Free Church of Scotland. Neil talks with Lisa and Glenn about church planting, evangelism, developing leaders and the beauty of the church...' You can catch the latest podcasts...

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Warm Spaces in Peterhead

Warm Spaces in Peterhead

By David McCaig, Pastor at Peterhead Baptist Church Rising food and fuel costs have left people across the country anxious about the winter ahead. With the raising at BUS council of the question of what the Church can do to help in the face of this looming crisis, we...

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Christmas & Advent Resources

Christmas & Advent Resources

Merry Christmas to you all! Last month the lovely Jenny moved on from BUS to a new role at the Scottish Bible Society, and has kindly been in touch to let you know about some great resources they have for Christmas this year. We know many of these are popular around...

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Sports Chaplaincy: Where Faith and Football Collide

Sports Chaplaincy: Where Faith and Football Collide

The world of sports can be a complex, competitive place and we could be pushed to wonder just where and how God fits in. Sports Chaplaincy is one such way, that provides a unique opportunity to come alongside people in a very specific context, and Don Currie shares...

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