
Welcome to Connect

The place to explore news and stories from around our Scottish Baptist network!

We regularly share news, events, stories and opportunities and you will find a wonderfully varied range of content here!

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We love to hear from you and create the space for your stories to be told. If you have some news, a new project, baptisms or any other stories of how God is working in your lives and in your community we would really encourage you to get in touch.

Drop Lyndsay an email at:

Canopy Online, plus Francis Chan

Canopy Online, plus Francis Chan

Canopy Online 28, 29, 30 October 2022 Canopy Online runs from 28-30 October this year and we are looking forward to a programme full of worship, great stories from across our network, Bible teaching and seminars. All main sessions will be accessible via our Youtube...

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Times and Seasons: a Farewell from Jenny

Times and Seasons: a Farewell from Jenny

Times and Seasons By Jenny Wilson, PA to the General Director, Sept 2022 ‘My times are in your hands’ Psalm 31:15 After over 14 and a half years serving God at the Baptist Union of Scotland, God is moving me on to a new job with the Scottish Bible Society in their...

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*BRAND NEW* Summer Mini Pods

*BRAND NEW* Summer Mini Pods

☀️Summer Mini Pods ☀️ Starting on Wed Aug 3rd our Recast podcast will be putting out 1 short episode a week for the rest of the summer.  These mini-pods will be short interviews with some of the contributors from our Canopy Summer program.  They are a great...

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Lead Academy Taster Day Invite

Lead Academy Taster Day Invite

The Baptist Union of Scotland has been partnering with LeadAcademy since 2017 to deliver focused training courses for Church Leadership Teams. These have been a catalyst for transforming how leaders develop more effective ways of working as a team and...

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Canopy Online- SAVE THE DATE!

Canopy Online- SAVE THE DATE!

WHEN: October 28/ 29/ 30 WHERE: Online We are absolutely delighted to announce after the success of Canopy Summer, that this October 28/ 29/ 30 we will be hosting Canopy Online, an opportunity to gather virtually from every nook and cranny of Scotland! This weekend...

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Making All Things New

Making All Things New

Wild flowers are one of my favourite things about summer; the variety of colours, shapes, sizes and scents remind me of the beauty in diversity, and the ways in which we are all so unique. Recently our National team spent 24 hours away together on a retreat. During...

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Increase Vision; a word from Martin Hodson

Increase Vision; a word from Martin Hodson

At Canopy Summer, Martin Hodson, General Director of the Baptist Union of Scotland, shared passionately the vision for Increase that God has placed on his heart. Along with the National team and BUS Council we are really excited and hopeful in this new season, and...

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Cost of living crisis: the hidden cost

Cost of living crisis: the hidden cost

Cost of living crisis: the hidden cost By Charis Scott, Christians Against Poverty, Scotland Promotion and Engagement Manager Over the last couple of years many of us have experienced what it’s like to feel trapped and lonely. Through lockdowns and periods of self...

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Hybrid Baptism at Hillhead

Hybrid Baptism at Hillhead

We are a church based in the West end of Glasgow, of over 15 nationalities who, after two full years of worshipping on Zoom, began Hybrid Church at Easter 2022. Around equal numbers meet at a hotel and on Zoom, and we delight in how that is working out. Earlier this...

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Over the last few months we have been prayerfully planning ahead for our Canopy Summer gathering, on Sat 11th June, at Dunblane High School. When we were preparing the content and considering what this gathering space could look like we felt a real sense of God...

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Training Hub: Applications now OPEN!

Training Hub: Applications now OPEN!

TRAINING HUB This exciting opportunity is a discipleship and leadership programme designed to enable you to become more transformed into the person God created you to be. It runs over 10 months and is built on 3 key areas: discipleship, mission and leadership. We want...

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