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Canopy 2022

Canopy 2022

Canopy 2022: Having Our Cake and Eating It by Martin Hodson, General Director We are delighted to announce that this year there will be two Canopy events. Canopy Summer on Saturday 11 June in Dunblane and Canopy Online on the weekend of 28-30 October. Let me explain....

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Veterans Chaplaincy, Supporting across Scotland

Veterans Chaplaincy, Supporting across Scotland

Veterans Chaplaincy, Supporting across Scotland By Rev Ian Millar, Pastor at Gourock Baptist Community Church, and Veterans Chaplain Veterans' Chaplaincy Scotland (VCS) has recently been established under the umbrella of Workplace Chaplaincy Scotland. As I write,...

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Keep Fishing

Keep Fishing

Keep Fishing By Martin Hodson, General Director ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ (Luke 5:4). Simon Peter and his crew have been ‘working all night.’ They must have been physically worn out by their exertions. Despite their hard work they...

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Christmas Interrupted

Christmas Interrupted

Christmas Interrupted By Lisa Holmes, Deeper Church Lead at Baptist Union of Scotland So I’m thinking quite a bit about disruption during this Christmas and New Year period … Nothing is certain and everything is open to unwelcomed interruption and as a result there is...

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Intentionality in Advent

Intentionality in Advent

Advent is here and for many brings with it a sense of excitement and reflection as we open doors to see what treasure is hiding behind. So this year we thought, what better way to celebrate than to open the doors to our Baptist churches across Scotland! For each of...

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A New Convenor

A New Convenor

Martin Hodson says ‘goodbye’ to one Convenor and ‘hello’ to another One of the less prominent but critically important roles within BUS is the Convenor. This is the person who serves as Chair of the Trustee Board, who chairs the Council and the AGM, and who generally...

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How many COPs does it take to arrest climate chaos?

How many COPs does it take to arrest climate chaos?

Written By Martyn Link As the eyes of the world turned to Glasgow for the 26th Conference of Parties (COP) the question on the world’s lips was “can we keep 1.5 alive?” For some of us this cryptic question may well leave us cold, I have heard some ask “why bother with...

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Opening the Doors & Stepping Out Post-Pandemic

Opening the Doors & Stepping Out Post-Pandemic

By Mark & Irene, Westwood Baptist Church, East Kilbride "It required a wholesale change in the DNA of the church..." Prior to lockdown we, as a church, had been re-considering our Church Mission Statement and then working through together what changes would be...

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Growth, Challenge and Change for EBF & Alan Donaldson

Growth, Challenge and Change for EBF & Alan Donaldson

Alan Donaldson, General Secretary of EBF, shares about both the growth and challenges from across Europe, and how our Scottish churches can play a significant role in God’s kingdom.  “The Lord gave me a picture of you and Ruth travelling together with just a few...

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COP26 Resources

COP26 Resources

COP26 is a massive opportunity for churches around Scotland to really engage with the issues of climate change and there are plenty of insightful and creative resources around for you and your churches to engage with. On the BUS website we have a whole section with...

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