Public Theology Resources
The Public Theology Group provide these resources to inform and encourage discussions. Inclusion of resources on this list should not be interpreted as an endorsement or agreement by the BUS or the group.
If you would like to suggest additional material or resources please email the Public Theology Group via BUS.

Assisted Dying Bill 2021/22
The Assisted Dying Bill is currently at the draft proposal stage and seeks consultation before progressing to the next stage of the Parliamentary process. The Bill proposes that a person who has been diagnosed as terminally ill can request and legally be provided with assistance to end their own lives.
Climate Crisis
The climate crisis is one of the most pressing issues our world has ever faced. Find information and resources at these links here…
Gender Reform
Many churches are trying to figure out how we respond biblically to the complex questions of gender identity that are now widely discussed and underpin the Scottish Government’s Gender Reform Bill.
The Public Theology Group is providing these resources to inform and encourage discussions.