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We love to hear from you and create the space for your stories to be told. If you have some news, a new project, baptisms or any other stories of how God is working in your lives and in your community we would really encourage you to get in touch.

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A Roadmap to Reconciliation

A Roadmap to Reconciliation

Following Jesus is a roadmap to reconciliation. We know that God ‘was reconciling the world to himself in Christ’ (2 Cor 5.19). And those who are reconciled by the cross become part of a ‘new humanity’ (Eph 2.15) where old hostilities are put to death.Last Sunday’s National Prayer Livestream** was a…

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In conversation with Elie Haddad

In conversation with Elie Haddad

Ali Laing spoke with Elie Haddad, president of the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, as part of our prayer live stream a few weeks ago. Listen back to their conversation.  

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Experiencing Faith

Experiencing Faith

Experiencing Faith, a newly published book by Jim Purves, is now available on our website. Jim takes a fresh look at the life of discipleship through the lens of three guiding principles: Recall, Renounce and Refuel. Listen in to Jim talking with Martin Hodson about...

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Together under the Canopy

Together under the Canopy

Together under the Canopy As we look forward to Canopy on 23-25 October, we hope that everyone who can will link up with friends to watch and share in the programme together – subject to whatever lockdown restrictions remain then. We won’t all be in the same room for...

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No Assembly in 2020 – but something new

No Assembly in 2020 – but something new

No Assembly in 2020 – but something new Due to the uncertainties around lockdown arrangements, it has not been possible to plan for our usual Assembly this year. Instead we are holding an innovative online event called Canopy. The Trustee Board have agreed that the...

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Why Canopy?

Why Canopy?

Why Canopy? Our new online national gathering for Scottish Baptist churches is taking place on 23-25 October. People have been asking, Where does the name Canopy come from? At its simplest, a canopy creates a welcoming space where people can meet together. But there...

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Scottish Baptist College – Adjusting and Adapting

Scottish Baptist College – Adjusting and Adapting

Scottish Baptist College – Adjusting and Adapting By Graham Meiklejohn When you begin to tell the story of 2020, where do you start? Much has happened already in the first half of the year. Along with many others, the Scottish Baptist College found itself quickly...

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Yearning for Hope – Stories of Transformation

Yearning for Hope – Stories of Transformation

Yearning for Hope – Stories of Transformation Shaun gave his life to Jesus and was baptised in 2019 at Central Church, Edinburgh. Here he shares the hope he now has through knowing Jesus even in the midst of uncertain and unsettling times. ‘Today I described my life...

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Mental Health and Covid-19

Mental Health and Covid-19

Mental Health and Covid-19 Marion Carson is currently a Part-Time Chaplain working with Glasgow City Mission. We recently asked her to reflect on mental health during Covid-19 at one of our Prayer Livestream events on Sunday nights and this is what Marion shared with...

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Rest & Restore in Cathcart

Rest & Restore in Cathcart

Rest & Restore in Cathcart By Karen Gurling, Cathcart BC Just towards the end of 2019, conversations arose within Cathcart Baptist Church around the possibility of opening up the church each week - to be a place for people to come and find a quiet space, a time of...

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Springing into action in Stenhouse!

Springing into action in Stenhouse!

Springing into action in Stenhouse! By Thomas Dean, Minister of Stenhouse BC Lockdown for us initially meant springing into action to get alongside people locally who've found themselves vulnerable through shielding, poverty or challenges at home. We've been really...

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All under one Canopy!

All under one Canopy!

All under one Canopy! We are pleased to invite you and your church to join in with Canopy on 23-25 October. Canopy is a new online gathering for all Scottish Baptist Churches. Over the weekend we will pray together, listen to God’s word, hear inspirational speakers,...

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Doorways to the new

Doorways to the new

It’s about the Cross. So central. So hard to encapsulate with words. But dangerous. Disruptive of the status-quo. Radical, challenging the familiar and not for the faint-hearted. I’m talking not just about…

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BUS Launches Canopy Event

BUS Launches Canopy Event

Canopy 23-25 October Canopy is a new online gathering for all Scottish Baptist Churches. Over the weekend we will pray together, listen to God’s word, hear inspirational speakers, tell stories of what God is doing in his church and expect him to speak into our lives...

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